Common Scams In Thailand

Important Information

Thailand which is a loved destination to visit, like other tourist scams, scammers have a range of ways in which they cheat you using their tricks to scam tourists.

Although all these crimes they are scams that cause no substantial loss, some of the visitors have reported losing some amount of money.

If an offer looks “too good to be true” or it is far too easy, then chances are that it’s a trap. Being in Thailand, make sure to keep an eye on your surroundings and things you are carrying with you at all times, particularly during visits to renowned tourist spots, jammed markets, or roads.

For those who visit bustling cities like Bangkok or Chiang Mai and other tourists’ havens like Pattaya and Phuket, it is worth knowing that areas have many scams that are mostly targeting the foreigners.

In case you are caught up in a scam, it is recommended to inform the local Tourist Police either by walking down to their station or dialing the toll-free number 1155.

They deal with such cases every day and know how to handle them well. If you want to file a complaint against the criminals, they will be able to help in coordinating with the Thai Police force.

Tuk-Tuk Scam

 While tuk-tuks are a popular and convenient means of transportation, there is a common practice among some drivers that you should be cautious of. Initially, they may offer you a seemingly low fare for your journey, but instead of taking you directly to your destination, they will take you on a detour to various shops and businesses, such as gemstone vendors, where they receive a commission for bringing in potential buyers. Furthermore, Tuk tuk drivers does not have a meter and most of the times give high prices for their services, So always negotiate to get the real price for a drive, and make sure to agree on a price before taking a Tuk-Tuk.

Jet Ski & Motorbike Scam

There is a possibility that renters could provide tourists with faulty skis & motorbikes and then demand additional payment for damages that were already present.

Be sure to take videos and photos of your jet ski or motorcycle. Before renting it out, you should also note that you should never leave your passport as a deposit, instead it is better to deposit cash.

Additionally, certain operators may compel tourists to buy unnecessary insurance or add-ons, like fuel charges, resulting in a substantial increase in the overall rental expense.

Gemstone Scams

Local Thai individuals pretend to be gemstone experts and then sell off fake or synthetic products to tourists at higher prices.

Rigged Taxi Meter Scams

This scam can begin as early as your landing. Some taxi drivers will increase the charge if you are not cautious or aware. They may refuse to use the meter, demand an extra $10, take longer routes that will increase the cost of the trip, and more. To avoid this there are several useful apps you could use to order a taxi such as Grab.

Khlong Scams

This scam that occur in usually occurs in Chao Phraya River and it caused by boat drivers taking a high fee for their passengers. Drivers may also pretend to say that the Grand Palace is empty and make multiple stops, occasionally at stores or vendors, that these people receive money for bringing in customers.

Closed Attraction Scams

Tourists often find themselves in situations where tuk-tuk drivers or tour companies employ deceptive tactics to steer them towards unwanted destinations or ones that were not originally included in their itinerary.

This is typically done by falsely claiming that the intended site is closed or under construction. As a result, unsuspecting tourists may be redirected to establishments that specialize in selling overpriced products or services, such as gemstone shops.

Nightlife Scams

In popular tourist destinations, businesses such as bars and clubs have been known to inflate the prices of drinks, particularly targeting tourists by charging them substantially more than locals. It is also important to be cautious of pickpocketing, which tends to occur in crowded areas. 


Crowded locations, including popular tourist destinations, marketplaces, temples, and transportation hubs, are often targeted by pickpockets. These individuals aim to pilfer valuable items like phones, passports, wallets, and gadgets. It is advisable to remain aware at all times and protect your belongings, particularly in busy areas.

Cloths Tricks Scams

Beware of vendors who try to sell you bad quality fabric, inexpensive fabric at inflated prices. Take your time to carefully inspect the quality of the clothes before making a purchase.

How To Avoid Most Scams In Thailand

To avoid falling into the traps of travel scams in Thailand, you should consider buying travel insurance for Thailand before leaving the country to ensure that your finances will be safeguarded and secured, even when an unpredictable situation or event occurs. It is necessary to be cautious when you are planning to visit a foreign country, and in this case, a number of measures can be implemented to prevent falling into the hands of scammers in Thailand.

When renting vehicles abroad, especially when renting jet skis or motorcycles, make sure that you take videos and pictures for any defects before taking it outside to be on the safe side.

The fare of the tuk-tuk or taxi driver should be a subject of your agreement, even before you climb into the vehicle. There are some items that will require extra look when buying them, such as clothes, jewelry, and others. Before you make your purchase on these items, ensure that they are genuine and don’t fall into the vendor pressure. You might end up paying more for a product of lower quality.

When renting a motorbike or any other vehicle, do not leave your passport as a deposit, but it is better if you leave a photocopy because Thai law does not permit any person to stay in this country without his or her passport. In case you lose your passport, get it replaced from the respective embassy of the country where you are visiting.

Whenever you plan to spend your time in Thailand at nightclubs and bars, remember that it would be advisable not to accept drinks from people you do not know or can’t trust completely, also never pay for several drinks at once. The best way to avoid petty theft is to keep essential things such as money and passport with yourself.

You may find yourself penniless if someone steals your wallet, leaving you with no cash. The answer is to ensure that your travel insurance includes financial emergency cash cover for this kind of extreme scenario. If it seems too good to be true, it’s probably false advertisement.