Thai Culture

What Is Culture

Culture is everything tangible invented by humans. Whether it’s art, law, faith, tradition, film, music, etc., it’s safe to say that almost everything we do is imbued with culture. This makes it unique. It shows who this group of people, this nation is, and how they live. In addition, culture also helps strengthen the human spirit. Establish beliefs and control behavior so that people can live together normally and happily in society. They can be divided into the following two types:

Material Culture: Things you can touch, such as: Utensils or various tools that can make your life easier. whether it’s a vehicle or a different form of item that help you get through your life easie . These tangible things are material culture.

Psychological culture: It is the expression of belief. or the mental state of people in a society composed of various things, such as customs, traditions, religions, literary and artistic works, interpreted as entertainment or beliefs, etc.


How important is culture to Thai people?

Thai culture is more important to the country than you think. Even if we don’t remember it, the things we do and the things we remember are always related to the culture we grew up in. If so, culture may be important to Thai people. Much more than we thought, including:

  1. Culture is important to reflect lifestyle. Understand and let people see the kindness of Thai people towards other people
  2. The same culture means unity. Making life together possible There is something that brings spirits together.
  3. Contribute to peace and order in society. Because at its core, culture tends to produce love. and unity rather than conflict.
  4. Promote the development of Thai society. Because culture is dynamic. And the evolution cannot be stopped. Be open to generating ideas. It’s always fun to invent new things.